reference implementation
This simple implementation illustrates how to use a low-level HTTP library to provide an object-oriented interface to the 4theFile API functionality. The users of the resulting module don't need to think about REST or HTTP; their interface is practically identical to what they would see if the 4theFile Resource data was stored in a local database on their server.
If you're a perl programmer, you could use this library as is, or modify it to suit your tastes. Or you might want to use the perl implementation as a model for your own development in the language of your choice.
NAME Lib4theFileAPI - provides a simple object-oriented interface to the 4theFile REST API as described at SYNOPSIS use Lib4theFileAPI; my $api = Lib4theFileAPI->new(’’,$username,$apiKey) ││ die "invalid endpoint url or credentials"; $api->test_connect or die "failed api connection with error: ".$api->response->status_line; # list resources for collection ESuVkqZF that have tag "newtag" my $clist = $api->collection_resource_list('ESuVkqZF',{tag=>newtag}); # returns ResourceList object die "API access failed with status code ".$api->response->status_line unless $clist; print "public URL for 1st resource: ",$clist->resources->[0]->resource_url,"\n"; CLASS METHODS new(endpoint,username,apiKey); the endpoint should not end in /. currently all resources (except /) require username and password. the credentials supplied here will be used in future calls returns a new Lib4theFileAPI instance version() returns VERSION string for perl library INSTANCE METHODS response() returns an HTTP::Response object resulting from previous API call, especially useful if previous call returned undef indicating a problem test_connect() attempts a call to the resource_list API method and returns 1 if connection was successful and valid data received. returns undef if connection failed (use response->status_line to see the error code returned from the http connection), or returns 0 if the connection was successful but no valid xml was returned by the server resource_list([$query]) returns a Lib4theFileAPI::ResourceList object for 4theFile resources owned by username $query is an optional hashref containing query parameters as outlined in the API documentation. keys include page, per_page resource($rkey) returns Lib4theFileAPI::Resource object for resource key $rkey or undef if none found resource_attachment_list($rkey) returns a Lib4thFile::AttachmentList object containing a list of attachments (if any) for the top-level message in Resource, plus a little meta data (e.g. attach- ment_count) collection_resource_list($ckey,[$query]) returns a Lib4theFileAPI::ResourceList object for 4theFile resources in Collection with key $ckey $query is an optional hashref containing query parameters as outlined in the API documentation. keys include page, per_page, tag, cdate collection($ckey) returns a Lib4theFileAPI::Collection object for collection with key $ckey or undef collection_list returns an arrayref of Lib4theFileAPI::Collection objects for collections owned by username collection_resource($ckey,$rkey) returns a Lib4theFileAPI::Resource object if resource $rkey exists and is a member of collection $ckey update_collection_resource($ckey,$rkey,[$query]); adds resource $rkey to collection $ckey if authorized (username owns $rkey and $ckey is public or owned by username). can also optionally set tags on $rkey according to the tags key in optional $query hashref. if $rkey is already in $ckey and owned by username, updates the tags remove_collection_resource($ckey,$rkey) removes resource $rkey from collection $ckey if owned by username. does not delete resource from 4theFile.