===== GET /collections/:collectionkey.format===== GET /collections/:collectionkey.format returns the details on collection :collectionkey * response formats supported: .xml, .json * query parameters: none * Curl command line: curl -u user:apikey https://4thefile.com/api_v1/collections/ESuVkqZF.xml * example xml response: 4theFile demo ESuVkqZF 2010-06-02 14:01:45 Used to demo how a shareable collection looks in 4theFile 4thefiledemo 9 2010-06-02 14:23:20 1 1 3 https://4thefile.com/api_v1/collections/ESuVkqZF/resources.xml * field descriptions: * email: the collection's submission address @4thefile.com * own: 1=collection is owned by you. * moderated: 1=none,3=retro-moderation(collection owner is notified of new submissions),5=moderated(resource hidden until collection owner approves, not currently supported),9=closed(no more submissions) * privacy: 1=shareable, 5=private(anyone can submit but only owner can list collection contents) * resources_link: the GET url to retrieve the resources list via the API in the same format as the current response.